
A fairy tale of another name

Ahhh yes masqerading as a "typical" M Night Shyamalan film Lady in the Water was a very pleasant fairy tale. There is no big twist to be built up to. Perhaps that is the twist. The movie is rife w/ references to how silly it is to walk into movies believing you have all the answers - as always things are not what they seem.

The interaction between Cindy Cheung and June Kyoto Lu as daughter and mother was perfect. And I will admit that for the first time ever I didn't hate Paul Giamotti - to me he is forever "Pig Vomit". His performance was appropriate, and for a few moments in there he was Clevelad Heap. Though by far my favorite was Bob Balaban's portrayal of the film critic. The character development was really spot-on, something I haven't seen in quite a while anywhere. On the whole it was good to see once, but short of watching it w/ my niece, I doubt I will sit thru it again. It is by and large a sweet fairy tale, a bedtime story, full of a Narf, a Scrunt, and the underlying theme that all humanity is connected. It felt a little heavy handed that M Night chose to play the author whose work is destined to change the world. Though I liked that it didn't just work out perfect in the end, that there were complications and the ending wasn't perfectly happy.

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