
I swear I am the only one who liked it

300 - I don't need to own it, but I probably will. I liked the faux-plot back home while the bois were fighting. I liked the acting for what it was. I wasn't expecting Sin City or anything close to it. I wasn't expecting Oscar caliber performances. I wanted to see guys wearing notsomuch and fake blood splatter, and gore and violence. I wanted to hear Gerard Butler yell, a lot - did I ever mention I have a thing about getting yelled at by a big strong man w/ a Scottish burr in his voice? - Cause I do, it is not a new thing. I liked the fight scenes, and I loved the way most of the shots line up beautifully as a comic book. I even found my way to get over the gratuitous and bullshit facial piercings - sooooo fake looking.

As to the whole reports of current politics - I say projection. For me watching the film I stepped past the racial boundaries & all of the "oh the brown guys from the east are invading" tripe, and saw it more as a story of how the few led the way to prevent the overthrow of their current governing body. Or rather how there is this nation (ours) who has a leader, who states frequently that it is his divine right to rule, and they are invading other nations under real or false pretenses and his people follow him and do his bidding because they are forced to (switch out the whips for $$$) and eventually the invaded nations stand strong enough against them that they stop (that is to say the "insurgents" protecting their homeland do things that are unspeakably violent and gore-ific that the invading nation is simply shocked). Maybe I'm the only one who saw it that way - again -PROJECTION.

AGAIN, I know this is the unpopular opinion, but I liked it. I like the fun, I liked the sheer raw screaming of it, I liked the performances. I liked the way it was filmed and presented. I enjoyed the timing and the choppiness of the editing.

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